My Computer - Pure Flat Gadget
This gadget displays information about all local drives on your computer, as well as all CD / DVD drives. By installing the gadget, you can control the space on your disks right on your desktop. The gadget window will display all the information regarding the volume of the disk and the remaining free space on them. In the gadget settings, you can activate or deactivate the necessary elements, such as network, My Computer, local drives, removable media, network drives and media devices. In addition, you can also change the design of the gadget by choosing from the available prepared options.
Basket - Pure Flat gadget
From the name of the gadget it is clear that it replaces the standard Windows recycle bin. The gadget differs from the standard basket in appearance and functionality. When you double-click on the basket, an additional window appears with information about the number of files in the basket and the space it occupies. Also in this window, you can quickly empty the basket, go to the basket or open the properties of the basket.