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System and PC

Gadgets in category: [ 38 ]

Free Disk Space

System and PC

Votes: 2

Free Disk Space -gadget on the desktop with information about the free space on the selected hard drive. The style of the gadget is very simple, you can say "childish". You can choose from two colors for the design of the gadget, yellow and green. The gadget displays information about free disk space in the form of a scale and in numerical form. In the settings of the "Free Disk Space" gadget, you can select HDD disk from the list where you want to track free space. On the desktop, you can use several gadgets at once, for each of the disks. This way you can make your desktop more colorful. In addition to choosing the color of the design and the disk, the Free Disk Space gadget no longer provides other settings. The gadget will work on all versions of Windows where Sidebar is installed.
Free Disk Space - free disk space.Free Disk Space - free disk space.

Free disk space gadget for Windows 7/8.Free disk space gadget for Windows 7/8.

Download gadget: freediscspace.rar

239 Kb   |   Language: english   |   Windows 7/8/10   |   Freeware   |     3140

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