MyBitcoins - a small widget for easy tracking the exchange rate of bitcoin cryptocurrency in real-time on your Windows desktop. With bitcoin
exchange rate of purchase/sale, you will also be able to track the balance of your Bitcoin wallet and the current value of the bitcoins accumulated on it. In the widget settings, you can configure the display of informative notifications with information about a decrease or increase in the set value, change the conversion currency Bitcoin, and as well as many other parameters that you can get acquainted with in detail after installing the gadget on your desktop.
Updated to version 4.4Changes
- version 4.4 - small bug fixes;
- version 4.3 - upgraded API currency conversion;
- version 4.2 - switched away from Yahoo! currency conversion API as it stopped working;
- version 4.1 - note from settings now shows on mouse hover; changed current exchange from MtGox to Bitstamp;
- version 4.0 - fixed a list of significant bugs and new functions integrated: